Expect More From Your Local Furnace Company

It always seems that your furnace will break down at the worst time possible. It happened to me in November when I was getting ready to get on a plane to Cancun. Hours before I had to get to the airport, the furnace decides to stop working and it’s bloody cold outside. Luckily I was able to find a reputable furnace technician to fix it in time to get on the plane.

Imagine your furnace breaking down in the middle of winter after your wife just gives birth. The last thing you want to have to worry about is a … read more

What’s That Smell?

A repair is inevitable once you notice unusual odors coming from your HVAC unit. The scent itself can indicate the possible problem. Suspect a gas leak once you start smelling spoiled eggs around you. Keep your hands off of your device and call an expert when it comes to gas problems. Call the gas company too to let them know of the leak at your home.

A burning smell is not good news too. Turn off your device and contact an expert as soon as you can once you smell anything burning in your system especially if the scent lingers … read more

How HVAC Systems Work!

With the summer season fast approaching, we all know what to expect when it arrives. Hotter climate and scrutinizing heat, crowded beaches, airports and malls, high electricity bills and absolute disruption of our comfort are some of the things we should really prepare ourselves for. But among these, I think we can all agree that we fear the rise in electricity bills the most.

Located outside the home, there is a separate cooling compressor from the fan unit, which blows cool air into the home. This outside unit contains a compressor, condensing coil, condenser fan, a grill, controls and two … read more

AC and Your Health

Your air filter is supposed to remove pollutants like dust, dirt, mold, pollen, pet dander and other particles from your home. Failure to adhere to this purpose may result in poor indoor air quality. These contaminants may cause asthma and allergies, headaches, skin rashes, and other health problems that may disrupt your comfort. This will also mean that you will also need to dust and vacuum more often because your home will have more dirt and dust.

A musty smell may arise if your air filter is not working properly or if it is extremely dirty or dusty. This is … read more

7 Ways That AC Costs Can Be Reduced

air conditioning your homeThe U.S. Department of Energy reports that air conditioning and heating your house accounts for 43 percent of your monthly utility bill. Here are some tips to help you reduce your summer costs.

1. Shade Your House

A majority of the heat accumulating inside your home comes from the sun directly shining through the windows or on the roof. One effective thing you can do is plant leafy trees around the exterior of the building to prevent the sun from reaching into your house. If there are shrubs or trees shading your air conditioner, the U.S. Department of Energy reports … read more

Tips for Finding The Best HVAC Specialist

Whether you need to upgrade your existing HVAC system or are building your own custom home and need to choose an HVAC system for it, it is essential that you choose the right contractor for the job. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to tell which contractors are the most qualified and which ones you should avoid. How do you go about finding the best HVAC specialist? The following tips should help.

Talk to Past Customers

Ask any HVAC companies that you are considering working with for a list of references. Reach out to each of the names on … read more

Prevent Allergens and Pollutants in your Home

allergensLet’s face it — allergies are a pain in the neck! Not only does they cause sneezing and sniffling, they also can cause sore throats, headaches, sinus infections, itchy eyes, fatigue and other symptoms.  Often you will need HVAC professionals to help you avoid allergens and pollutants that cause these nasty allergies.

Naturalnews.com reports that a new study conducted by the Urban Environment and Childhood Asthma (URECA) shows that you can reduce the risk of young children of developing asthma by exposing them to high levels of pet and pest allergens.  The study consisted of 560 high-risk newborns from Boston, … read more

Heating, Hydrogen And Efficient Homes Will Be The Keys To ‘Deep Decarbonization’

Renewable energy is now indisputably part of the mainstream electricity sector – part of what Michael Liebreich, the founder of Bloomberg New Energy Finance, calls “the new orthodoxy of the Three-Third World”.

He says that “by 2040 one third of global electricity will be generated from wind and solar; one third of vehicles on the road will be electric; and the world’s economy will produce one third more GDP from every unit of energy”.

Speaking at BNEF’s London summit last September, he said: “The fact that we are on track for the Three-Third World is quite extraordinary. And it is probably unstoppable: wind, solar and battery costs will continue to fall faster than any mainstream energy forecasters expect, and there is nothing that makes me think President Donald Trump will succeed in his attempts to revive coal.”

But in a recent column, he says that it is not all good news – “the bad news is that even though we are on track to achieve the Three-Third World by 2040, it will not be enough to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement. Electricity currently meets only just over 20% of the world’s final energy needs; and even if you add in the proportion of oil going into passenger cars and light trucks and you are still only addressing about a third of final energy consumption.”

There is, therefore, still an urgent need to decarbonize the rest of the economy – industry, chemicals, aviation, shipping and, in particular, heat, he stresses.

The recent cold snaps in the U.S. and Europe illustrate the challenges of decarbonizing heat in Northern Hemisphere countries. In the U.K., for example, the amount of energy used in heating during the winter peaks at six times the electricity load, and it can ramp up and down by a factor of three within a few days. According to the think tank Policy Exchange, to electrify the heating system just in the U.K. would cost more than $400 billion, he points out.

Renewable energy will not be able to meet heating demand, he adds. Solar power produces very little power in winter, and wind can suffer lulls lasting weeks, sometimes just when the temperature drops (although in recent weeks, the cold has been accompanied by plentiful winds).

And while battery storage is making great strides, Liebreich predicts that by 2030, the total volume of grid-connected batteries will be sufficient to meet the world’s power needs for just 7.5 minutes.

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